
Total doctors, patients, nurses, pharmacists, Laboratorists, accountants, payments, medicines, operation reports, birth reports, death reports and settings at a glance.


View information of payment history, bed allotment, blood bank , blood donors, medicines, operation reports, birth reports and death reports of the entire hospital.

Other Features

Admin Panel, Dashboard, Department, Doctor, Patient, Nurse, Pharmacist, Laboratorists, Accountant, Receptionist,Noticeboard, Settings, System Settings, Language Settings, SMS Settings and Account module.

Connects to Your Cloud Platform of Choice

Just a few popular platforms we integrate with

The AIMS Use Case

How One Client Used Our Product AIMS to Power Their Business

7 Sources

7 legacy data systems ingested into one source - including Point‑of‑Sale, Merchandising, Marketing, E⁠-⁠Commerce, CRM, Loyalty, In-Store (IOT)

+36 Months

+36 months of data saved across multiple tables and geographies.

95% Time Savings

95% estimated time savings over three years compared to a traditional manual methods.